audiovisual translation (AVT), feature film title, homonymy, translation strategy and tacticsKopsavilkums
This study is devoted to the issue of homonymy of the titles of feature films in English and their translations into Latvian and Russian. The issue of homonymy of the names of feature films is practically not disclosed in the studies of audiovisual text and its translation. Meanwhile, this material can be successfully used to understand the peculiarities of the choice of tactics for the translation of feature film titles. In order to present a general picture of the functioning of homonymous titles of feature films and their translations, a general sample of titles of feature films produced in the USA (1991–2020) was made in the database. The purpose of the study was to determine the general picture of homonymous names in the original language and to identify trends in translation tactics for them, for which the continuous sampling method and statistical analysis, comparative analysis and elements of the stylistic and semantic method were used. The article discusses the general picture of the homonymy of feature film titles: 25% of feature film titles have homonymous titles, which cannot be ignored when analyzing the tactics of translating feature film titles.
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