Culture Crossroads
Vol. 26 (2024)The latest issue of the journal presents five original research articles that address pressing contemporary issues, offering methodically refined analyses and valuable insights across diverse fields of study. The key themes of this edition are transformation, participation, risk, and cultural meanings. This publication brings together contributions from scholars in Poland alongside researchers from the Latvian Academy of Culture, Daugavpils University, and the EKA University of Applied Sciences. The opening article provides a comparative analysis of Polish and French approaches to the (re)interpretation and management of cultural heritage, with a particular focus on participatory governance. Another study delves into the Latgalian Jewish gastronomic code and its interaction with Soviet-era domestic practices. A third article examines the link between cultural participation and well-being, using youth involvement in museum activities as a case study. Further research explores risk management in large-scale cultural events, offering insights from organisers and participants of past Song and Dance Festivals. The issue concludes with an analysis of the metaphor PLAY in political cartoons through the lenses of cognitive linguistics and stylistics. -
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 25 (2024)The issue of the scholarly journal Culture Crossroads (Vol. 25) offers analysis on a wide range of topics, from mentoring in the cultural and creative industries to hate crimes as a cultural phenomenon, and from libraries in the modern world to the reflection of Britain's power in language and politics. The authors of the papers in this collection are not only Latvian researchers; almost half of the articles have been contributed by international scholars - Estonian, Irish and Spanish. The editors are particularly pleased to see new themes emerging in the content of the issue - authors write about community arts, multi-sensory accessibility in museums, the synergy of science and art in engaging audiences - thus broadening the interdisciplinary scope of the journal and the reader's experience.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 24 (2024)This special issue is interested in the processes of creating performing arts settings, including spaces for dance, arts festivals, and theatre performances, during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors explore the continuities and changes in the configurations of performing arts settings and ask about their transformative potential. The cultural initiatives in focus are located at the fringes of geo-political complexities: They take place in Cyprus’s Buffer Zone, around a palace in post-Prussian North Poland, within Russia’s Irish dance community, in Latvia’s theatrical community. This issue further ethnographically records and interrogates challenges and odds in making performing art settings during and beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic. It finds that different experiences of “losing touch” and detachment become inseparably linked with practices of entanglement, shaping the possibility of “taking place” in performing arts settings. Methodologically, the authors in this issue bridge the commonly upheld gap between research and practice in the fields they discuss, transgressing the boundaries between ethnography, socio-cultural analysis, and engaged research.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 23 (2023)The Editorial Board of the international peer-reviewed scientific journal Culture Crossroads is proud to present a particularly rich and wide-ranging volume of scientific papers. With 19 contributions from esteemed scholars and experts, this volume captures a rich tapestry of perspectives, theories, and empirical studies on an array of critical themes. This edition has been completed entirely within our new open online editing system, and by means of an enhanced peer-review procedure – thus the diversity and quality of the articles surpasses our expectations in both scope and depth. We invite you to be acquainted or re-acquainted with this collection’s authors and their latest exciting work on issues as varied as arts consumption, public participation, dark heritage, historic architectural styles, television documentaries and narrating mothering experience on Twitter. In keeping with the goal of the journal to provide space for original interdisciplinary research on a wide range of cultural and creative issues, we have welcomed an outstandingly diverse set of articles. However, for the sake of clarity and userfriendliness, we have divided these 19 articles into four broad sections.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 22 (2023)The collection of articles has been created on the basis of the papers presented at the conference “Artistic research. Various areas, approaches, and experiences”, which was held in Latvia on 5–7 May 2022, at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music. The conference took place within the framework of the national research programme “Cultural capital as a sustainable development resource of Latvia (CARD)”. The programme was implemented by a consortium that consisted of five institutions, namely Latvian Academy of Culture as the leading partner, together with Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, Art Academy of Latvia, National Library of Latvia, and Institute of Literature, Folklore, and Art of the University of Latvia. The aim of the research programme was to create an interdisciplinary knowledge base on the diversity and value of cultural capital as a resource for Latvia’s sustainable development. The unifying concept of the studies of the national research programme was the cultural and creative ecosystem, that is conceptualized as a set of interdependent elements – organizations, groups, and creative personalities – whose activities are aimed at balanced and productive existence of the entire society. It was important for the researchers of the programme to look at culture in a modern way and properly assess the economic, political, and social potential of culture in all three dimensions – past, present, and future – identifying cultural resources in music, visual arts and design, audiovisual, theatre, and performing arts.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 21 (2022)The team of the journal Culture Crossroads is truly pleased to be presenting this volume to you, our reader. First, since the previous issue, two events have taken place, and we will be experiencing their impact in a long time to come. The former of the events is that Culture Crossroads has been reviewed for indexing with Scopus and the decision was positive. Hence, this is the first volume to be Scopus-indexed. The journal team are enormously proud of this achievement. The latter event concerns the streamlining of publication processes – the journal has migrated to a brand new electronic system of journal management. This means, that in future, all publication processes will be state-of-the-art. Second, we are pleased with the content of the volume we are now presenting to you. It is versatile and multidimensional, yet there are three clearly distinguishable and exciting thematic strands. A closer reading, however, finds several cross-thematic conversations going on, which makes this volume even more interesting.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 20 (2022)The Special Issue of the journal Culture Crossroads is dedicated to arts and cultural education. The authors examine the many aspects of impact produced by arts and cultural education, the processes contributing to this impact, and the institutions involved. Most of the authors were also participants at the Latvian Academy of Culture international scientific conference on arts and cultural education in early 2020.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 19 (2021)The 19th volume of the international peer-reviewed journal Culture Crossroads looks back on a whole series of conferences that took place in 2020 and also includes non-conference related contributions, all selected to reflect the 30th anniversary of the Latvian Academy of Culture. Among those conferences, the International Forum “Modernism in Culture, Global and Local Succession Strategies and Approaches” (04.11.2020), as well as the Baltic Drama Forum “Theatre and New Technologies and Different Perspectives” (05.11.2020), and – last but not least, the conference “Culture Crossroads XIV” plenary (2.11.2020) and break-out sessions (06.11.2020).
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 18 (2021)The special edition of the journal Culture Crossroads dedicated to film and audiovisual media comprises proceedings from two academic conferences organized by the Latvian Academy of Culture in 2020 – the 6th Baltic Sea Region Film History conference and the conference Being Juris Podnieks (a session of the annual research conference Culture Crossroads). The volume contributes to a growing body of research on the region in the field of film and audio-visual media continuing explorations and providing new topics and approaches to already previously published special issues of the journal on this field (vol. 10 (2017), vol. 14 (2019)).
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 17 (2021)The 17th volume of the international peer-reviewed journal Culture Crossroads, offers topical commentary on the linkages and impacts of cultural, artistic and creative processes in national economy, politics and social life. The papers in the volume present a diverse and heterogeneous body of work falling into roughly three thematic strands: identity and its contestations, decision-making and creation of solutions based on various kinds of data (even fake ones) and processes. Finally, the third strand addresses the challenges and achievements of cultural and arts education, continuously working to keep a constant supply of professionals and amateurs in the cultural sphere.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 16 (2020)The 16th volume of the international peer-reviewed journal Culture Crossroads is dedicated to examining the interaction of cultural, artistic and creative processes in national economy, politics and social life. This volume finds the operators in the cultural and creative field, including researchers, in an unprecedented situation of prolonged uncertainty and broad-scale adjustments to safety measures related to the global pandemic of COVID-19.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 15 (2020)Since 2015 every year in October Latvian Academy of Culture hosts an International Conference on Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (Jornadas de Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera en Riga). In October 2019, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary, a special volume of Culture Crossroads journal was released in order to provide an insight into the main research lines presented at the Conference over the years of its existence. In this special issue of Culture Crossroads all articles are written in Spanish not only because it is the official language of the Conference, but also to underline the contribution of plurilingualism to engage individuals in cross-cultural communication.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 14 (2019)This specialized, 14th volume of Latvian Academy of Culture’s journal “Culture Crossroads” is a continuation and resume of a crucial event in the scientific life of the Baltic States, a conference “Poetics and Politics of History in Film and Theatre”. Most of the papers are dedicated to the exploration on how performing and audio-visual arts have modelled, interpreted and reflected the history and people of Latvia and the countries bordering the Baltic Sea, and how historical processes have influenced fates of theatre and film makers.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 13 (2019)This volume of articles is an output of the research project “Graffiti in Latvia: challenges for artists, society, and conservators”. During the international scientific conference “Culture Crossroads” in 2017, a transdisciplinary panel was organised on graffiti and its presentations have served as inspiration and basis for the present collection of articles. This volume invites the alumni of the bachelor and master programmes of the Latvian Academy of Culture, whose research interests are connected to studying graffiti and street art in the context of cultural theory, cultural policy, cultural management, as well as intercultural communication and cultural heritage studies, for a dialogue. Researchers from such scholarly disciplines as ethnology, folklore studies and legal sciences have also joined.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 12 (2018)The 12th edition of Culture Crossroads comprises a selection of articles that were presented at the international conference of the Latvian Academy of Culture “Culture Crossroads XI” (2017). All authors of the articles are related in their research efforts to analyse local cultural phenomena in the context of global trends and topical theoretical research approaches.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 11 (2017)The 11th edition of Culture Crossroads comprises a selection of articles that were presented at the international conference of the Latvian Academy of Culture “Culture Crossroads X” (2016). All authors of the articles are related in their research efforts to analyse local cultural phenomena in the context of global trends and topical theoretical research approaches.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 10 (2017)This is the first special edition of "Culture Crossroads" dedicated entirely to cinema. The articles been inspired by reports presented at two international academic conferences held in Riga in 2016 organised by two institutions functioning under auspices of Latvian Academy of Culture: Riga Film Museum and Scientific Research Centre. The aim of the conference "Baltic Sea Region Documentary Cinema: Social and Aesthetic Phenomena" was to examine the documentary film of the Baltic Sea Countries, to study the main trends and authors, looking at specific narrative and formal manifestations of the films. While the conference "Film Director Jānis Streičs: His Films and the Signs of the Time" was devoted to the classic of Latvian film Jānis Streičs, marking the director’s 80th birthday.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 9 (2016)In the first electronic edition of "Culture Crossroads" not only do professionals and experts in the domain of culture introduce the reader to the newest achievements and discuss the most topical research issues in the field, they also indicate possible models of collaboration with governmental and international culture policy-making bodies, outline the prospects for culture and art research at the regional and global levels, thus confirming the necessity for an interdisciplinary approach and its importance in the research of culture phenomena as well as their promotion abroad.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 8 (2015)Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas zinātnisko rakstu krājuma “Kultūras Krustpunkti” 8. laidiens veltīts akadēmijas rīkotajā starptautiskajā zinātniskajā konferencē “Kreisuma ideja kultūrā. Parole – Asja” (Rīga, 2015. gada 6.–7. marts) izskanējušajām un gūtajām atziņām, krājuma pamatā – raksti, kas tapuši pēc konferencē nolasītajiem referātiem un diskusijām.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 7 (2015)“Kultūras krustpunkti” 7. izdevumā publicēti pētījumi, kas attīstīti dažādu zinātņu disciplīnu un pieeju ietvaros – arheoloģijā, ekonomikā, etnogrāfijā, kinozinātnē, kultūras antropoloģijā, kultūras mantojumā, kultūras menedžmentā, kultūras socioloģijā, mākslas zinātnē, muzeoloģijā, muzikoloģijā, teātra zinātnē, tiesību zinātnē, valodas zinātnē u. c. “Kultūras Krustpunkti 7” iekļauto pētījumu tematiskā un disciplinārā daudzveidība ir “saspiesta” četru tematisko virzienu sadaļās: 1) Tradicionālā kultūra, kultūras mantojums un muzeoloģija; 2) Radošās industrijas, kultūras sociālie, ekonomiskie un izglītības aspekti; 3) Skatuves un audiovizuālā māksla; 4) Literatūra, māksla un valoda kultūrā.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 6 (2014)Šajā krājumā apkopoti zinātniskie raksti, kurus sagatavojuši LKA ZPC 2013. gada 1.–2. novembrī organizētās starptautiskās konferences “Kultūras krustpunkti” referenti. Šis “Kultūras krustpunktu” izdevums skatāms kā sērijas atjaunošana, kas pēc neilga pārtraukuma turpina zinātniskās pētniecības tradīciju, kuru aizsāka LKA pirmais rektors Pēteris Laķis. Rakstu krājumā “Kultūras krustpunkti VI” apkopotie zinātniskie raksti atklāj Latvijas kultūras un mākslas procesu dinamiku laikā un telpā, to savstarpējo mijiedarbību, kā arī sinerģiju ar ekonomiskajiem, sociālajiem, izglītības un politikas procesiem. Pētījumu teorētisko pieeju un metodoloģiskā daudzveidība mudināja rakstus krājumā grupēt
atbilstoši četriem pētījumu tematiskajiem virzieniem: 1) Tradicionālā kultūra, kultūras mantojums,muzeoloģija; 2) Audiovizuālā un skatuves māksla; 3) Literatūra; 4) Kultūras un mākslas sociālie, menedžmenta, politiskie un komunikatīvie aspekti. -
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 5 (2011)The articles in "Kultūras Krustpunkti" Volume 5 encompass a wide spectrum of issues and questions relating to the identification, characterisation and classification of ancient cult sites in the Baltic region and beyond. All articles are proceedings of the conference ‘Natural Holy Places or Holy Places in Nature. Identification, Discovering and Classification’ held at Turaida Museum Reserve, organised jointly by the Scientific Research Centre of the Latvian Academy of Culture and Turaida Museum Reserve (on 7–9 May 2009).
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 4 (2008)Zinātnisko rakstu krājuma "Kultūras krustpunkti" IV laidiens ir 2006.gada 1.decembrī Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijā notikušās starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences "Kultūras krustpunkti. Starpdisciplinaritāte kultūrvides pētījumos" materiālu krājums. Šajā konferencē starpdisciplinaritāte vairāk tika saprasta kā dažādu humanitāro nozaru speciālistu pētījums kultūrvidē, izmantojot citu zinātņu nozaru metodikas, to dotās iespējas un pienesumus. Šādā skatījumā dažādas nozares pārklājās un aptvertais pētījumu lauks bija visai plašs. Dažkārt ar kultūrvidi tika saprasta arī virtuālā kultūrvide, kas tomēr lielākos vilcienos tāpat ir saistīta ar reālo kultūrvidi.
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 3 (2006)Rakstu krājuma "Kultūras krustpunkti" 3. laidiens turpina un, šķiet, arī nostiprina Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas zinātnisko rakstu publicēšanas tradīciju, kas aizsākās ar krājumiem "Kultūras krustpunktu meklējumi" (Kultūras krustpunktu meklējumi. Sast. J. Kursīte. Rīga : Latvijas Kultūras akadēmija, 1998, 239 Ipp.), "Kultūras krustpunkti, I" (Kultūras krustpunkti. Sast. un atb. red. J. Urtāns. 1. laid. Rīga : Fonds "Mantojums", 152 Ipp.) un "Kultūras krustpunkti, II" (Kultūras krustpunkti. Sast. un atb. red. J. Urtāns. 2. laid. Rīga : Fonds "Mantojums", 383 Ipp.). Raksti, kas iekļauti šajā "Kultūras krustpunktu" laidienā, ir 2005. gada 21. un 22. martā Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijā notikušās starptautiskās konferences "Arheoloģija un folklora" referātu publikācijas. Arheoloģija un folklora ir divas zinātņu nozares, kurām vēsturiski ir līdzīga izcelsme, tomēr laika un abu pētniecības nozaru attīstības gaitā tās ir attālinājušās viena no otras un lielā mērā pat atsvešinājušās. Tomēr tieši pēdējos gados pasaules arheologu un folkloristu sabiedrība gan zinātniskās konferencēs, gan publikācijās ir sākušas meklēt vienojošo, meklēt un atrast nozaru saskares punktus, risināt savas nozares zinātniskās problēmas, iesaistot otras nozares dotumus. Kā labi zināms, jaunu ideju izcelsmei vislabvēlīgākās ir zinātņu nozaru robežzonas. Un vai tā tas nevarētu būt arī folkloras un arheoloģijas sadurē?
Culture Crossroads
Vol. 2 (2006)Rakstu krājuma ''Kultūras krustpunkti" 2. laidiens turpina Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas zinātnisko rakstu publikāciju virkni, kas aizsākās ar krājumiem "Kultūras krustpunktu meklējumi" (sast. Janīna Kursīte. Rīga: Latvijas Kultūras akadēmija, 1998, 239 Ipp.) un "Kultūras krustpunktu" 1. laidienu (sast. un Juris Urtāns. Rīga : Fonds "Mantojums", 152. Ipp.).
2004. gada 12. novembrī Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijā notika starptautiska konference, kuras uzstādījums bija tvert plašākas kultūras pētniecības aploces. Atsaucība konferencei bija liela; referenti pārstāvēja kā dažādas kultūras pētniecības jomas, tā arī dažādas institūcijas un valstis. Konferences darbs risinājās četrās sekcijās, katrā no tām nolasītie referāti bija visai atšķirīgi tematu izvēles ziņā.
Sekcijā "Literatūras vēsture un teorija" tika nolasīti 14 referāti. Liela daļa no referentiem bija augstskolu doktoranti. Bez Latvijas referentiem sekcijā uzstājās arī Lietuvas, Igaunijas un Polijas pārstāvji. Referātu tematika bija visai plaša - runātāji bija pievērsušies gan Latvijas autoriem, gan meklējuši cittautu literatūras ietekmes un paralēles, gan arī iztirzāja vispārējus literatūras teorijas jautājumus. Krājumā publicēti raksti, kas tapuši uz 13 referātu pamata.