Please read the guidelines carefully and take into account that not complying with the guidelines may result in the decision to stop further processing of submitted papers.
Since the journal’s target audience is international, the papers are published in the English language. Before submitting your paper, please make sure it:
may be of interest to an international audience (e.g. in the case of local empirical studies, the author places these within the context of broader international academic discussions);
is written in precise and reader-friendly academic English;
fulfils the requirements for an academic paper and the scholarly quality of journals included in internationally indexed databases;
conforms to the journal’s Guidelines with regard to length and formatting.
Articles that fail to take into account these aspects will not be accepted.
1. Articles should be original. They must not be previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
2. The language of the journal Culture Crossroads is English.
3. The length of a submission should be 20 000 – 45 000 characters with spaces. All the parts of a submission contribute to the length of the text, i.e. a summary, a list of references and so on.
4. Articles should be submitted as Word documents and formatted as follows: the font required is Times New Roman; the font size is 12 pt.; line spacing – 1,5 pt.; spacing after/before paragraphs – 0 pt. For formatting purposes, please refer to a sample document. The body text should consist of paragraphs with no spacing between, with 1 cm indentation.
5. The papers for publishing should have the following:
- Information about the author
- Title of the article
- Abstract
- Keywords (3 – 5)
- Body text
- List of sources
- Appendices (if necessary)
The information about the author should include the contributor’s name and surname, academic degree, represented institution and country. If the text has several authors, they should be indicated in the same order as in the publication. The academic degree should be indicated precisely in the short form (for example,, mg.phil., PhD and so on). The name of the represented institution should be indicated fully and precisely (for example, Latvian Academy of Culture).
The title of the article should reflect the topic as precisely as possible. It is advisable to avoid too long or too short titles.
The abstract should briefly state the goals, results and conclusions of the research; its length should not exceed 1500 characters with spaces.
Keywords ensure the most precise insight into the issue of an article. Please add 3-5 key words. A phrase or a word combination counts as 1 keyword.
The body text includes the textual part, footnotes and references. The body text can be structured using subtitles in bold.
- If it is necessary to use notes in the text, they should be footnotes, not endnotes.
- Special terms and foreign words should be in Italics.
- For emphasis, please use bold.
- Quoted text should be in Italics.
- Work titles should be in Italics and without inverted commas.
References are to be formatted following the Harvard referencing style in the body text [Florida 2011: 98] or [Florida 2011] including the main source (author, compiler or an institution that prepared the publication), year of publication and pages if necessary. Source list is at the end of the article.
The sources should have author surnames listed in alphabetical order. Bibliographical entries normally consist of the following: 1) the main source (author, compiler or an institution that prepared the publication); 2) the title (subtitle, if available); 3) volume and issue numbers (if the work is published in several volumes/ issues); 4) publishing details: the place of publication, the publisher’s name and the year of publication.
- Book:
Florida, R. (2011). The Rise of the Creative Class: revisited. 10th anniversary ed. New York: Basic Books.
- Article in a book or collection of articles:
Assmann, J. (2008). Communicative and cultural memory. In: A. Erll, A. Nünning, (eds). Cultural Memory Studies: An International and Interdisciplinary Handbook. Berlin; New York: De Gruyter, p. 109–118.
- Article in a periodical:
May, W. (2011). Self, Belonging and Social Change. Sociology, No. 45 (3), p. 363–378.
- For Electronic resources the Internet address (available) and the viewing date (viewed) should be indicated:
Suny, R. G. (1998). Provisional Stabilities: The Politics of Identities in Post-Soviet Eurasia. The University of Chicago. Available: papers/Suny.pdf (viewed 01.07.2015.)
An article can have appendices (preferably not more than 6), i.e. images, charts, tables etc. Every appendix must be justified and referred to in the body text using the term figure (for images, photographs, charts, art reproductions, and other visual materials) or table (for tables).
- Appendices should be submitted in separate numbered files with corresponding file names.
- Images and photographs should be in one of the following file formats: .jpg, .png or .pdf. Charts should be editable, either in .xls or .xlsx format. Tables should be either in .doc or .docx format.
- If the author of an article is not the author of an appendix, the latter or its source should be indicated.
- Regarding photographs and paintings, researchers are expected to indicate their authors, as well as the title and the year of each work if they are known.