
  • PhD Karīna Horsta Art Academy of Latvia, Institute of Art History, Latvia




Ernests Štālbergs, modernism, Erich Mendelsohn, Le Corbusier, Nordic modernism


The view of modernist architecture as a “unified mass” without regional traits or specific developmental trends has sometimes become symptomatic and is threatening to monuments of this style even today. This article aims to introduce the most significant conclusions obtained from the analysis of the architect Ernests Štālbergs’ creative legacy in the context of Western modernist architecture, identifying the means used to localise the style. Formal and stylistically comparative methods were applied for this purpose. Štālbergs’ modernist works reveal three lines of influences – from the German architect Erich Mendelsohn, the French architect Le Corbusier and the Nordic modernism. This does not mean direct appropriations of composition but rather impulses and inspirations. Štālbergs attempted to adapt modernism to local conditions, as he paid attention to the context of surrounding environment and regional traditions. However, he was more interested not in national but in regional identity, thus fitting in a wider cultural space.


Supporting Agencies
The article presents the research carried out within the ESF project “Development of academic staff – approbation of doctoral grant approach and attraction of foreign academic staff at the Latvian Academy of Culture, the Art Academy of Latvia and Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music” (No.



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Archival documents

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Štālbergs, E. (1934). [Photo of new dwelling houses around Stockholm in Sweden]. Ernests Štālbergs’ collection: coll. 95, reg. 1, file 504, p. 101. Riga: Latvian State Archive.

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Štālbergs, E. (1942). Inquiry sheet. University of Latvia collection: coll. 7427, reg. 13, file 1712, p. 128. Riga: Latvian State Historical Archive.


