Museum, Well-being, Seniors, DementiaAbstract
Museums worldwide are increasingly announcing themselves as potential partners in promoting public health and well-being. Responding to the population ageing and its consequences, seniors, including persons diagnosed with dementia, become active target audiences in museums. Reminiscence sessions are one of the most frequently used approaches in museums working with seniors and dementia patients in promoting their health and well-being. Considering the subject's topicality, the article investigates tendencies and main challenges in implementing reminiscence sessions in museum environments. The author analyses previous researches, case studies, and public programs of museums and concludes that museums, with their specific resources, suitable environments, and wide geographical spread, have an underestimated potential to become essential institutions providing reminiscence sessions. Therefore, museums should strengthen cross-sectoral cooperation networks with the health and social care sectors and implement measurable reminiscence activities for further research. In such a manner, it would promote awareness among policymakers and broader society concerning museums as credible partners for enchasing health and well-being for seniors and patients with dementia.
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