translation profession, translation sociology, creative professionals, status of translators and interpretersAbstract
Coined just over two decades ago, Richard Florida’s concept of the ‘creative class’ has generated significant academic and popular interest. In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects, the present literature-based study examines the links between translators, interpreters, and the creative class. This is accomplished firstly by outlining relevant sociological perspectives pertaining to the status of the translational professions, before presenting and reviewing Florida’s definition of the creative class. Subsequently, building on a range of recent academic studies on the topic, attention turns to how the translation and interpreting professions navigated the unchartered territory of the coronavirus lockdowns. As such, the technological, practical, and pedagogical aspects will be presented, discussed, and compared with other creative professionals. Finally, the overview concludes with some brief potential implications for future professional practice.
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