value education, educational policy, financial literacy, consump- tion societyAbstract
When speaking about the overall processes of the 21st century, the notion “cultural globalisation” is traditionally applied in research. It is characterised by cross-sectoral activities and inevitability of interaction of various areas of culture, aswell as by rapidmerging of education, economics andpolitics and the legitimisation of these interdisciplinary activities. It has been en- countered that part of Latvian society – youth – experience incompatibility of transfer of terminal and instrumental values. Its reasons can be found in the monetary educational reform that is strengthened and implemented according to the needs of consumption society. The authors of the educational reform, by mutual agreement with the creators of economic policy, are implementing “The Financial Literacy Strategy for Latvia’s Population for the Period 2014–2020” with an aim to raise the level of financial literacy of the population and reach the strategic goal to create a new member of society who will maintain and express consumption culture and corresponds to the reasoning of mass person. Despite the fact that the contents of education in the country is negotiated in accordance with the needs of the development of student competences, nevertheless the establishers of the economic policy in the global cultural flow with strategies characteristic of a short-term, transitory policy have influenced the social addresseemore rapidly, namely the need for changes in values of the school’s youth and human values included in the contents of arts subjects.Downloads
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